Tips to get the best results from Christian Affirmations:

1) LISTEN EVERY DAY – Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life!

Repetition is the key to success with Christian Affirmations!  It has been proven that habits and thought processes take 21 consecutive days to develop.  Affirmations on EBooks, Audio, and Video are a convenient way to stay encouraged and motivated every day.  Listening to affirmations daily will help you develop a habit of speaking solutions, instead of speaking problems.  You will learn to control your attitude and actions – even in the midst of negative circumstances!  Make a goal to listen every day for 21 straight days.  You can listen at home, car, with workouts, or anytime!

2) BE PATIENT - Many times people find it hard to accept positive statements, because they have been “programmed” with so much negative. But, keep listening every day. Begin to see yourself as God sees you through the scriptures. Replace worldly thinking with scriptural thinking! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). As the Positive consistently goes in, the negative will go out.

3) HAVE TOTAL FAITH – Listening will build your faith and belief.  You will get hope and encouragement.  It takes faith and determination to overcome obstacles.  It takes faith to move mountains!  Your inner strength will give you the power to reach your goals and dreams.  With God, all things are possible in your life (Matthew 19:26)!

4) ENCOURAGE AND BLESS OTHERS – Everyone needs encouragement.  We have many tools to help you share Christian Affirmations with others.  It can give them hope, build their belief in God, inspire them, and motivate them.  They also make great inspirational gifts.  A gift that keeps on giving!

It is important to Speak all affirmations for yourself.  Apply the affirmations you read and hear to your own life!  We appreciate you, and pray you benefit greatly from Christian Affirmations!